I'm Entity. Pleased to meet you!
I like video games, so I'm pretty sure you can guess what the topic of conversation will be here. I'll also include the odd film and book review when I find the time. That's what Entitainment is all about!
I also like talking about my day sometimes, so stay tuned on "What is your cage like?" for a more personal blog.
Welcome to a small slice of review and rant heaven. Hey, I said "small".
This is my blog. I shall write when the mood grabs me, if I feel like ranting, or if I find something worth reviewing. Mainly games, books and films and rants about my day.
Trust me, the rants will be good.
What else can I say but I hope you enjoy having a look through here, whether you're just a quick visitor passing by, or a stalker... oh, follower. Right.